South Florida Surgery LLC offers the best lipoma removal surgeries in the state. When you find a soft and painless lump on your back, neck, or shoulders, it might be a lipoma. This is a fatty rumor that isn’t malignant or cancer-related. Fortunately, it’s usually harmless and can be removed through surgery.
If you want the lipoma to be removed or if the symptoms get worse, we’re there for you. Our clinic performs a minimally invasive procedure to eliminate the lipoma safely and efficiently. There’s minimal scarring involved, minimal pain, and a very quick recovery. After applying the anesthesia, we make a small incision, and we remove the lipoma entirely.
Afterward, we send it to the laboratory for a biopsy for a more in-depth look. Fortunately, these growths are noncancerous and only consist of fat cells that are enclosed in tissue layers, creating lumps. They will grow with age and are mostly associated with glucose intolerance, liver disease, obesity, and alcohol abuse.
There aren’t many symptoms associated with a lipoma other than being able to see or feel it. They only become painful if they grow large enough to put pressure on the nerves. They can also become painful if they form in muscles or organs, though this is an uncommon occurrence.
Either way, you should schedule an appointment and have a doctor evaluate your lipoma!